Friday, August 13, 2010

International Diethnes Cakes, Melbourne

The predominantly chocolate cakes in the window of this Greek cake shop lured us in.  It's obviously been around for a long time, I remember going there over a decade ago.  On a Saturday night, it seems to be going strong.

While the chocolate laced window provided the attraction, Walter ended up with a macadamia tart.

And I had a delicious but very rich semolina cake.  Definitely tasty, definitely worth it, but be warned even with a coffee to cut the sweetness, it was still very rich.

International Cakes on Urbanspoon


  1. How good did that chocolate in the window look? I'll be it tastes amazing.

  2. Hi Spencer, it was incredibly rich and delicious!

  3. it's all very yum, my grandpa owns it :D

  4. well you have to tell your grandpa that we enjoyed ourselves very much, thank you.


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