Sunday, June 27, 2010

Dumplings and buns

It must have been such a strange thing when you encounter Asian dumplings and buns for the first time.  I grew up loving Vietnamese steam buns, which is basically the same as Chinese bbq buns, but we put alot more ingredients inside, like pork mince, peas, even vermicelli!

We ate lunch at Shanghai Food House in Ashfield today where you can see the amazing range of buns and dumplings, meat and vegetarian.. even ones with chives in the outer pasty.  As you can see above a vegetarian bun is only $1.20!

Or what about the steamed dumplings and buns below that you eat with dark soy or vinegar and chilli paste.

Or the various fried versions some with and some without filling... delicious!!!!

All these dumplings and buns were available at Shanghai Food House.

Shanghai Food House on Urbanspoon


  1. Proper shallot pancake for me, please! The flat doughy ones in your last pic seem to be going out of fashion here and overseas, in favour of the rounded flaky pastry ones instead. I'm a traditionalist =)

  2. I agree, have always favoured the doughy ones. Which reminds me we had the most delicious pork mince flat pancakes in Taiwan.. nothing has come close since!


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