Saturday, October 16, 2010

Homegrown Bananas

How wonderful it is to taste fruit that has just been picked.  I was lucky enought to receive some sugar bananas that were home grown in Lansvale that were just picked yesterday.

Sure they don't look flash, almost perfectly formed and uniform in colour, but the taste was completely different from bananas bought in a supermarket.

I could taste the fresh sweetness and smell the fruit.  I'm no scientist, but I'm sure these homegrown bananas have higher nutrients as well.


  1. Oh wow. Jealous!!

    I had a boyfriend once who grew up in Mozambique and he told me about the bananas there that were completely unlike the pale (or rather, green) imitations we get in our supermarkets.

  2. It shouldn't suprise me, when I was much younger in Vietnam we used to have freshly picked bananas and they were beautiful.. just forget it now we buy them from the large supermarkets


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