Monday, June 14, 2010

Slow Cooking Excitement (1)

Ok, we've just invested in a slow cooker, since it's all the rage and we're hoping this means we can set the meals so that they're ready when we come home after work.  Today is our first trial of the new cooker... here's what it looks like so far.  Walter is doing the cooking of course.

Can't wait to see how it all turns out!


  1. Slow cookers are amazing! I use mine to cook a chicken in prep for risotto or whatever. You get a tender chicken and heaps of juices which you can skim and use for stock. Also does fantastic beef casserole. Just don't use it for corned beef - it falls apart!

  2. Will keep that in mind, Bonnie, works great for beef, Walter put the steaks in and they break up perfectly.


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