Friday, August 6, 2010

Korean Pork Kim Chi Stir Fry, Strathfield

My favourite dishes changes over time, but one that remains on the list, despite its many faults, is this kim chi pork stir fried (well thats what I call it).

It sounds bland, but you can see by the photo, it's anything but.  The colours and busy-ness of this dish is reflected in the flavour too.  In additional to the distinctive kim chi taste, the pork is marinated in bean paste, with onion and shallots and chilli also crying for attention.  There's a bit of oil too.

For a break, the squares of tofu provides contrast, but even here, the dense texture adds complexity.

This is not a dish for everyone and I'm continually surprised as to it's longevity on my favourites list.

I had this dish at Hyung Won in Strathfield.


  1. I am looking for the recipe of kim chi stir fry with pork and stumbled upon your blog. The pix you posted look yummy...I wish you had the recipe for me.

  2. sorry, no, but i hope it's not too hard to find the recipe online, JC


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