Monday, November 22, 2010

Passionflower Pavillion, Ice Cream, Sydney

Walter slowly and delectably poured the syrup on his waffles and over his white chocolate ice cream; you can see the remaining faint line of syrup above... yum.  I was salivating, it's been so long since we've had Passionflower.  We've also been on a health kick, 4.30am swimming, good healthy eating - this Sydney food blogger needs to shed a few pounds.

But today was a reward for all the hard work.

My order was Asian influenced: taro and green tea ice cream with lychees, banana, orange in a biscuit basket.  Never thought I would like taro ice cream, but was wrong, it wasn't too sweet, but felt hearty - and I've always loved green tea ice cream.

This Passionflower branch was opposite the cinemas on George Street, it's my first time, our other visist have been to the Chinatown branch.

Passionflower Pavillion
Shop GD1
580 George St, Sydney
(02) 9267 0075

Passionflower on Urbanspoon


  1. mmm i love their sticky rice ice cream! i always detour to serendipity's factory to pick up a giant tub

  2. lol - the Eastern sundae (or whatever it's called now) is what I always get!!!

    Hmm... suze has the right idea there.

  3. Yeah Tina, I can never think of the name, but it's something like that and is delicious!

  4. hey Suze, haven't tried the sticky rice flavour, but will do now since you've said it!

  5. I love sticky rice too, especially the one with black sesame and red bean too. Yum!


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